Contract Litigation

McLaughlin & Nardi’s attorneys have achieved considerable success for businesses and people in contract litigation, Our business lawyers have decades of experience in all forms of New Jersey commercial litigation.
A contract becomes the private law governing the relationships between two or more parties, whether they are people, businesses, or the government, which courts will enforce. It is this ability to have confidence that contracts will be enforced by our courts which allows America’s commercial system to function.
A well-drafted contract will solve many problems in advance, but many contracts are not well-drafted or did not anticipate new circumstances. This leads to complex legal and factual issues in lawsuits over the interpretation and breach of contracts.
Our business attorneys have decades of experience in litigation over New Jersey contract disputes. We have achieved significant success in all aspects of contract litigation, including negotiations, arbitration, litigation and mediation. We know that the best negotiating strategy is to build a strong case to negotiate from a position of strength. When one party breaches its contract with another, whether a business or an individual, our business litigators are aggressive in fighting for our clients’ rights.
New Jersey business law protects the enforceability of contracts. Contracts govern a wide range of issues. Our attorneys handle litigation over a wide variety of contractual disputes. These include:
- Litigation over breach of employment contracts, including restrictive covenants such as non-compete, confidentiality and non-solicitation agreements.
- Lawsuits over breach of contracts between businesses, including customer contracts, vendor agreements, franchise agreements, and the like.
- Disputes over contracts governing transactions, such as the sale of a business or sale of a business’s assets, and related restrictive covenants.
- Litigation over the interpretation or breach of contracts for the sale of commercial real estate and residential real estate.
- Disputes concerning financing and collateral agreements, including mortgages, promissory notes, UCC financing statements, and security agreements.
- Lawsuits over breach of construction contracts, including prime contracts, sub-contracts, and vendor agreements.
- Litigation over commercial and residential real estate leases, and equipment leases.
- Disputes over breaches of agreements between owners of business ventures, such as partnership and shareholder litigation.
- Litigation over insurance companies wrongfully denying coverage in breach of their policies – which are enforceable contracts.
A contract is private law. Therefore, one of the most important elements of contract litigation is how the contract was drafted. If it was well-drafted to protect your rights, you have a better chance of winning. If it is poorly drafted or does not protect your rights, your chances of success will not be as good. This does not mean that you cannot win, just that it will be less likely and much harder. This is why it is vitally important to retain experienced counsel to draft all your contracts.
Our attorneys have decades of experience successfully fighting for our clients’ rights in contract litigation. We are here if you need help.
Contact Us
Contact our New Jersey contract attorneys regarding litigation, negotiation, arbitration and mediation of contract disputes. Please call (973) 890-0004 or e-mail us.