Solid Waste Company Services

Our attorneys represent New Jersey solid waste companies. New Jersey’s garbage industry is a competitive, highly regulated industry. Our attorneys provide solid waste and garbage companies with a wide range of services.

Corporate and Business Counseling

We act as outside general counsel for solid waste companies. Our lawyers help solid waste companies form and run their businesses. We help businesses form and organize so that they can minimize their personal and tax liability, while maximizing their efficiency and profits. We help garbage companies with their employee relations, and draft employment policy handbooks and manuals. We help them with insurance coverage, tenancy and real estate matters, equipment leasing and financing and a host of other matters.

A-901 Applications and Renewals

Companies which transport waste generated by another person or entity are required to first obtain an “A-901” license. The goal of this process is to keep crime out of the solid waste industry. The application process is lengthy and involved. Our attorneys work with haulers to complete the application process in a manner which meets all legal requirements and also presents the applicant in the best light.

Drafting and Negotiating Contracts

Having strong contracts is one of the most important things a solid waste hauler can do. Our New Jersey business attorneys have considerable experience helping solid waste companies negotiate and draft a wide variety of contracts. For example, customer contracts must, of course, meet the customers’ needs. However, they must also protect the hauler’s interests as well. It is important that the contract have mechanisms to ensure prompt and complete payment. However, the contract must also address a wide range of issues such as the length of the contract, definition of the services, exclusivity, coverage for expenses which cannot be controlled (such as landfill “tipping” fees and fuel surcharges). Our attorneys have decades of combined experience using New Jersey law to address all these issues for our clients.

Relations Between the Owners

Equally important as contracts with outside parties – indeed, in many ways even more important – are agreements between the owners themselves. Whether a partnership agreement, a shareholder agreement in a corporation, or an operating agreement in a limited liability company (known as an “LLC”), a well-written agreement between the owners is crucial. It will set out the owners’ rights and responsibilities, determine their compensation and the division of profits, and provide mechanisms for resolving disputes which may occur. Our business attorneys draft agreements between solid waste company owners which use New Jersey law to protect their interest, minimize their liability and taxes, and maximize their profits.


We handle a wide range of litigation for solid waste haulers. For instance, our attorneys recently won a trial in Hudson County Superior Court for tortious interference against a hauler who had unfairly stolen one of our client’s best customers. Our litigators have handled many cases for collection of unpaid invoices or wrongful termination of contracts. We have also handled regulatory litigation with government agencies. We represent solid waste companies in disputes with their employees, such as claims by employees of discrimination or failure to properly pay wages, and enforcement by employers of restrictive covenants such as non-compete agreements. Our litigators have considerable experience representing businesses in litigation of all kinds.


One of the biggest problems for solid waste companies – and indeed all businesses – is collection of their accounts receivable. Our attorneys have decades of experience in helping clients recover what is due to them for the services they performed.

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